Monday, 29 October 2012

List to buy before deliver baby 新生宝宝用品清单(1)

    1. Steriliser消毒锅(1个):消毒奶瓶、奶嘴、吸奶器,用家里的不锈刚锅也可。
    2. Feeding Bottles & Teats 奶瓶(6 to 8个)
    3. Better choose BPA-free: Bisphenol-A is a hormone disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment. It has been known that scratched and worn polycarbonate feeding bottles will leach this chemical into liquids. Brand considered: Avent-BPA Free, Pigeon, and Dr Brown’s (when baby grow bigger, the glass bottle is heavier but safer)
    4. Bottle Brush奶瓶奶嘴刷子
    5. Buy this type with small nipple brush, easier to clean bottle nipple Avent’s is more expensive than other brand but not that good in using
    6. Pacifier & Pacifier Attacher 奶嘴 (I personally not recommend baby to use pacifier)
    7. Bottles Drying Racks奶瓶及奶嘴夹(1个):处理已消毒的奶瓶、奶嘴。
    8. Bottle cleanser/ detergent 奶瓶清洁液(1瓶):专门清洗奶瓶餐具、玩具 (I am using Melaleuca brand, more safe and natural)
    9. Milk container 奶粉盒:定量存储奶粉,携带方便。Fill the container with correct portion of milk powder, faster and easier in making milk. Do not keep scoop inside the container as this will contaminate milk powder every time try to dig out the scoop. Brand: Avent (can also use as fruits storage)
    10. Milk powder 奶粉 Using Nestle NAN at the beginning, then change to Enfa after baby refusing to drink NAN.
    11. Bottle Warmer暖奶宝:给奶加热、恒温。Brand: Lindam (small, portable, easy to use or Little Bean – cheaper, quality ok.. come with steriliser set, much more worth)

  1. Breast Pump 挤奶器- Brand: Medela (expensive but good quality), Avent (Bought Avent’s manual breast pump, have some noise when pressing the pump and a bit leaking after using some times)
  2. Breast Milk Storage Container or bottles 母乳储存容器. Brand: Medela or Avent
  3. Breast Pad 胸垫– to avoid making cloth’s wet as the milk will leak out by itself. Prefer disposable breast pads, easier to maintain and more hygienic too
  4. Nursing Pillow 枕头(depends, may use pillows at home, just make yourself comfortable)
  5. Nipple Cream – stop the nipples pain and crack. Brand: Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter or Bepanthen
  6. Nipple Protector (depends)

  1. Baby bowl, spoon 婴儿碗、勺(1套):Spoon better with temperature sensitive 勺最好买感温的, 不怕烫到宝宝。(after 4 months宝宝四个月大后才需要)
  2. Healthy care booster seat after can sit and eat)
  3. Brand: any, First Year, or Fisher-price 
  1. Bath Tub 沐浴盆- Better to buy a special bath tub for new born, infant & toddler (for no experience) If buying normal bathtub, better buy a non-slip bath mat as special baby bath tub already has special cradle, non slip seat and bath mat and bathtub thermometer 洗澡盆,最好买椭圆形的不要买圆的。新手妈妈可以买那些特别的沐浴盆             First Year bath tub
  2. Hammock 沐浴床/沐浴床(1个):For protecting new born baby’s back 新生宝宝躺卧于沐浴床时能有效支持宝宝的臀部、背部、及颈椎 (for no experience, really a helpful tool 给新手妈妈是很好的小帮手哦)
  3. Bath Seat for Mom 小凳子给妈妈坐着替宝宝洗澡
  4. Water Temperature Indicator水温计(1个):清晰显示洗澡水温度,不含水银,使用安全。
  5. 100 % cotton Bath Towels (2 to 3 dozen) 纯棉(两到三打)– for taking bath, wrapping them, and be as pillow. Do not get too thick as it may difficult to hold baby after wrapping.
  6. Bath Toys 一些小玩具让宝宝玩
  7. Baby Comb and Brush 宝宝梳子和刷子
  8. Cotton bud 棉花棒– need this to clean baby’s buttock every time she pees or poos. Combine cotton pads with baby wipes. Although cotton wipes are convenient to use, it is not as good / soft as cotton. Better buy specially for baby, and try touch and feel the cotton before use it on baby as some cotton bud may too thin will scratch baby. 妈妈们记得要摸摸棉花棒才用,因为有些太薄会刮伤宝宝,所以最好买宝宝牌子的棉花棒)
  9. 100% handkerchief for bath 纯棉小手帕
  10. Baby lotion / baby oil – use baby oil after every bath and baby lotion when her skin is dry from time to time. Brand: Johnson & Johnson
  11. Baby Shampoo 洗发水(1瓶):清洁污垢、滋润营养,无泪配方Brand: Melaleuca, Baby Kiko, Johnson & Johnson
  12. Baby Shower gel 沐浴露(1瓶) : 温和清洁,不会洗掉皮肤天然油脂润肤露(1瓶) : 防止皮肤干燥,去除坏死的皮肤层和污物
  13. Nappy Rash Cream护臀膏(1盒) : 改善尿布症、褥疮和湿疹等症状 baby will get nappy rash from time to time Brand: Desitin (active ingredient is zinc oxide 13%. is a rapid relief cream which instantly forms a protective layer on your baby's skin to soothe and relieve rash discomfort. This hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested creamy formula goes on smoothly and wipes off easily) or Bepanthen (ointment contains Dexpanthenol and is FREE from colourant, fragrance & preservative, it protect and gently HEALS skin damaged by nappy/diaper rash. It is also suitable for caring and treatment of sore/cracked nipples, dry, chapped & cracked skin and other minor skin injuries.
  14. Baby wipes/ Wet tissues 湿纸巾:用量很大,多准备几包(if can use water to wash is better coz more comfortable)Brand: Anakku ***Don’t buy Pureen, as it is too rough***

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